Man with a Pan is a hands on healthy eating cookery programme for men over 50, which to date has reached over 300 participants living in and around Farnborough, Guildford, Cranleigh, Reigate and Egham.
It was first piloted in 2014, thanks to a grant from Awards for All in response to needs identified by Age UK Surrey. The pilot project specifically targeted vulnerable or isolated older men who may live alone or care for someone; and included an accredited training element for volunteers and partner organisations. The practical cookery course focuses on basic cookery skills, healthy eating, cooking on a budget, and preparing nutritional meals that target health issues of over 50s. Following this program, we have received numerous requests to expand the provision across Surrey, Hampshire and West Sussex. We are currently actively seeking continuation funding for what has proved to be a real life line for male members of our ageing population.