Work With Us
This page has been put together to assist brands and companies in deciding whether they would like to work with us, and our community of lovely parents. If you are a school, community project or charity, please visit our community page for more info on our projects.
We’ve been informally recommending our favourite cookery books, gadgets, nutritional supplements, and eco and food brands (especially in the organic and fairtrade sector to the parents who follow us since 2004, and have taught over 500,000 parents and children through our community cookery classes.
We completely overhauled and refreshed our website in Dec 2017, and have been actively blogging and sharing quality family-focused content on these following topics:
cooking with your kids
meeting your children’s nutritional needs (always evidence-based advice)
quick and easy weaning and toddler foods
tacking fussy eating
appealing (and healthy) lunchboxes
toddler portion-size
5 a day/Eat a Rainbow everyday
cooking on a budget/meal planning
teaching teenagers/students how to cook
as well as the broader educational benefits of cooking with your children.
Lucy, our founder, is supported by a team of nutritionists, dietitians and parenting experts (as well as her lovely tutors), many of whom have contributed articles and resources to our community projects and website.
Lucy at the UK Harvest CEO Cook Off with Jamie Oliver
We are active across the major social media platforms, especially Facebook and Pinterest, and focus much of our engagement with particularly with parents of children aged 0-5 years. We get great support from our projects on LinkedIn and Lucy has an active network of over 5000 connections from the food, teaching and nutrition world.
Reader Demographics: 87% Female, 70% aged 25-44
followers 12k 5k 16k 500
Working with Brands
Lucy and her team would love to work and collaborate with more brands that align with our values, and offer products and services that our followers will love. We also offer parent-focused corporate workshops and hands on cookery events.
We aim to showcase your products/services with creative, fun and unique content which perfectly fits The Organic Cookery School blog and social media pages and resonates with our readers.
We can also work with brands on freelance projects, creating bespoke content including recipes, guides and resources based on our extensive experience of working face to face with over 500k families in our community cookery and nutrition projects.
Services Offered:
Recipe Creation
Sponsored Posts
Brand Ambassadorships
Event / Conference Speaking
Workshops and Courses
Please email to discuss your project ideas and rates.
Three-time finalists in The British Cookery School Award’s Best Community Cookery School Category