Q1 : The maximum daily amount of salt a child aged between 4 and 6 years old should have is:
Answer: 3g
The recommended daily maximum salt intake for a child aged between 4 and 6 years old is 3g (or 1.2g sodium). See extract below from the NHS website for more info and different age groups (ref http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/Goodfood/Pages/salt.aspx)
You don't have to add salt to food to be eating too much – 75% of the salt we eat is already in everyday foods such as bread, breakfast cereal and ready meals.
1 to 3 years – 2g salt a day (0.8g sodium)
7 to 10 years – 5g salt a day (2g sodium)
11 years and over (and adults) – 6g salt a day (2.4g sodium)
Q2 : Which of the following milks should NOT be given to children until aged 4.5 years?
Answer: Rice Milk
See extract below from the Food Standard’s Agency website
Arsenic is naturally present in the environment, which means it gets into food and water with levels varying in different regions of the world. It’s impossible to eliminate it from food. However, having too much arsenic in our diet could be harmful to health.
Rice tends to take up more arsenic from the environment than other cereal crops, although this can vary according to variety and method of production. The arsenic in rice also tends to be predominately the more toxic inorganic form, which has the potential to increase risk of illnesses including cancer.
We advise that toddlers and young children (ages 1 to 4.5 years) should not be given rice drinks as a substitute for breast milk, infant formula or cows’ milk. This is because of their proportionally higher milk consumption and lower bodyweight compared to other consumers.
There are a number of alternatives to suit those with an allergy or intolerance to cows’ milk or soya. Advice should be sought from a health professional (such as a doctor or dietician) to ensure a suitable milk alternative is sought for a healthy and balanced diet.
Q3 : What is the estimated daily energy requirement of a girl aged 10 years?
Answer: 1936 calories
The amount of calories (or energy) a child needs varies from child to child, but the following extract from the NHS choices website explains a little more:
Children aged 7-10 years old need lots of energy and nutrients because they’re still growing. The amount of energy that food and drink contains is measured in both kilojoules (kJ) and kilocalories (kcal) and is commonly referred to as calories.
A report from 2011 estimated that the average energy requirements for children aged 7-10 years old a day are:
Age (years) Boys Girls
7 6900kJ /1649kcal 6400kJ /1530kcal
8 7300kJ /1745kcal 6800kJ /1625kcal
9 7700kJ /1840kcal 7200kJ /1721kcal
10 8500kJ /2032kcal 8100kJ /1936kcal
However, these figures are only a guide. Children may need more or less than these estimates depending on a number of factors, including how physically active they are. Read tips for getting active with your kids.
While the amount of energy your child needs is important, they should also eat a healthy balanced diet.
Q4 : Which of the following foods DOES NOT count towards your family's 5 a day?
Answer: Potatoes
Potatoes fall into the starchy food group, and should make up approx. one third of the food we eat. Encourage your family to eat their potatoes with skins on for extra dietary fibre (and flavour!). You can find out more about the main food groups on this interactive Eatwell Guide (http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/Goodfood/Pages/the-eatwell-guide.aspx).
A great family staple, potatoes are also a good source of vitamin B6, potassium, copper, vitamin C, manganese, phosphorus, niacin, and pantothenic acid.
Q5: A common food which can cause an allergic reaction is:
Answer: Eggs
There are 14 major allergens which need to be labelled on pre-packed foods in the UK, including celery, nuts, milk and mustard.
Find the full list here https://www.food.gov.uk/sites/default/files/top-allergy-types.pdf
Q6: Which of the following is NOT a complete source of protein?
Answer: Chick Peas
Animal proteins such as meat, fish, eggs, milk, yogurt and cheese contain all nine essential amino acids and are considered the most important for growth. Plant proteins such as beans and pulses are incomplete proteins and need to be combined to achieve the full spectrum of amino acids. Aim to include fish twice a week, with one being an oily variety like salmon, trout or mackerel.
How much:
The Recommended Nutrient Intake for Protein according to age and gender is as follows:
1-3 year olds need about 14.5 grams
4-6 year olds need 19.7g
7-10 year olds need 28.3g
11-14 year old males need 42.1g
11-14 year old females need 41.2g
15 - 18 year old males need 55.2g
15 – 18 year old females need 45.0g
Men between 19 and 50 years old need 55.5g
Women between 19 and 50 years old need 45.0g
Men 51 years old or above need 53.3g
Women 51 years old or above need 46.5g
Two important exceptions are pregnant women, who need 51g of protein a day and breast-feeding women, who need 53-56g daily.
(ref: http://www.webmd.boots.com/healthy-eating/guide/getting-enough-protein)
This guide from Nuffield Health is a useful starting point to finding more.
Q7: Children aged 1-3 years should eat 350mg calcium per day. Which of these foods contain approx 350 mg calcium?
Answer: 50g cheddar cheese
All the foods options listed the quiz contain calcium, but cheese is the highest source of those listed. Vitamin D is also needed to help absorb calcium.
The following table indicates current recommended calcium intakes in the UK.
Q8: Fat is needed by the body to help with:
Answer: Absorption of fat-soluble vitamins
Vitamins A, D, E and K are fat-soluble and require the fats that we consume to get around our body. Water soluble vitamins (B vitamins, vitamin C and vitamin H) can’t be stored in our bodies for long (essentially we wee them out), so we need to eat them almost every day.
Q9 : To calculate the salt content of a food, multiply the figure given for SODIUM by:
Answer: 2.5
Many families consume too much salt, and often food manufacturers only give a figure for sodium. You can calculate the amount of salt by multiplying the sodium figure by 2.5. Adults should eat no more than 2.4g of sodium a day (equal to 6g of salt).
Further info here http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/Goodfood/Pages/salt.aspx
Q10 : Which vitamins are recommended for all children aged 6 months to 5 years?
Answer: Vitamins A, C & D